Scams re-targeting those who have already been victimized
#212570 by boats92 Wed Jul 30, 2014 12:03 pm
Hi, I was a victim of a fake eBay second chance offer just over a year ago, it was (I know now) the usual story of sending money to an eBay holding account, which I now know doesn't exist.

Anyway, I received a call from a Detective Constable from the Metropolitan Police in London today informing me he has arrested 4 people, one of which he believes opened the bank account that I sent money too.

He wants me to give a statement, and the only mention of getting money back was to say It wont guarantee compensation.

Sounds legit to me, I've googled the email address I have for him and it is an actual police email extension. I'm just wondering what people think, I may just be overly paranoid now? lol

Also, when I give a statement it will be over the phone as London is a 6/7 hour drive from me, if the conversation turns to getting money back, what is the usual procedure that they do this? Obviously if he starts asking me for bank details I don't want to be giving those out over the phone. I'm not expecting to get any money back, but you never know.


#212573 by AlanJones Wed Jul 30, 2014 12:17 pm
If he has given you an email that end then that is a legitimate UK police email address. If you also have his name and badge number, you should be able to contact the Met Police either through their website or possibly via whoever you reported the crime to in the first place.

I'm not sure on the procedure of getting the money back (possibly you would have to take legal action), but it is unlikely to be something that the officer taking your statement would be interested in.

Please do not tell scammers that they are listed here - it will take them seconds to change their fake details and their new details will not be listed for any future victims to find.

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