You can't win a lottery you haven't entered! Please read here for information on lottery scams.
#5331 by Obi-Wan Knievel Tue Oct 21, 2008 11:38 pm
Reply-To: <deptfvanboss>
From: "E-Lottery NL" <patrickjoop02>

Dear Internet User,

We are pleased to inform you of the result of the E-LOTTERY NL. Internet Promotional Draws. All email addresses entered for this promotional draws were randomly inputted from an internet resource database using the Synchronized Random Selection System (SRSS).

Your email address was selected in the Category "Aâ€

Got a suspicious e-mail? Run it by The Scam Checklist to see if it's real.

#8606 by panpan75 Mon Mar 30, 2009 9:31 am
i have received mentioned notification, and i made the mistake to sent them my passport number. when i received from their side, that i have to open an account on their bank and remit at least 1500$ ,i stopped immediately correspondence with them.
do i have to cancel my passport? my main concern is if they can use my passport for opening an account on a bank in netherlands and credit any ammount they want only by using details of my passport.

your advise will be useful, for my future action
#8607 by Ralph Mon Mar 30, 2009 9:42 am
Hi Pan Pan

Welcome to Scamwarners

I am presuming you are in the US, it does make some difference as each country have their own departments to deal with this.

They probbaly wont use just your passport number to drain your bank account but either way it doesn't hurt to be safe

I will dig out the US links, in the meantime if you can provide any additional information that isn't posted above and if you can also confirm if you are in the US

And here it is

Here's some other great information on combating ID theft by the FTC: ... index.html

Here are the steps to take to defend yourself: ... efend.html

With a gentle nudge, and another read it seems you need some ducth specific information, the link I gave you should still be some help to you, meanwhile I will see if i can dig up anything more relevant for you, failing that perhaps one of our Dutch members may be able to give you more specific advice
#8608 by panpan75 Mon Mar 30, 2009 10:03 am
thank you ralph for your comments.

i'm greek citizen and not a US citizen.
do you wish to upload the correspondence which i had with these people?
#8609 by Ralph Mon Mar 30, 2009 10:21 am
Lucky I didn't have my house on that one :wink: :D

Yes, please give us any information you can, it will help us to undrstand the scammer who you gave the details to a little better

Some scammers are renowned for using real documents to create fake ones and there is a chance the may try to steal your identity.

I dont think we have any Greek Specific advice for identity fraud and at 120am my time I dont really have time to find anything now

For the moment, if you can post up anything on the scammer you can with anything at all relating to you removed, we are only interested in the scammers details and would rather you remain completely annonymous.

I dont even know if we have any Greek support team members here.

We do have people from all over the world and people who live in better time zones, hopefully one of our other members may know something for you, as suggested, the previous link should still give you a good idea of what you need to do however most likely will not have specific Greek departments to deal with ID theft
#8610 by panpan75 Mon Mar 30, 2009 10:39 am
so here you can find below correspondence with them...

Quote ---1st message
Dear Internet User,

We are pleased to inform you of the result of the E-LOTTERY NL. Internet Promotional Draws. All email addresses entered for this promotional draws were randomly inputted from an internet resource database using the Synchronized Random Selection System (SRSS).
Your email address was selected in the Category "A" with Reference Number ……… Batch Number: ……… and Ticket Number: ………, and this qualifies you to be the recipient of the grand prize award sum of $2,500,000 (Two million, five hundred thousand dollars).
The payout of this cash prize to you will be subject to the final validations and satisfactory report that you are the bonafide owner of the winning email address.In line with the governing rules of claim, you are required to establish contact with your designated claims agent via email or telephone with the particulars below:

Name: Mr. Frank van Boss
Phone: +31-647-283-937
Email: [email protected]

You are advised to call the Claims agent for confirmation or provide the following information for processing the payment of your cash award.

Telephone/Fax number:

Winning Reference Number:Failure to complete the claims of your cash prize after 14 days of this notice will result in the revision of award. Hence, you should commence your claims process immediately, by contacting the claims agent (Mr. Frank van Boss) who would be guiding you through the Claims process.
Congratulations on your Winning Prize and we look forward to completing your payout soon.

Yours Faithfully,
coch carla
Lottery Co-ordinator

2nd message

This is confirming receipt of your correspondence and assuring you that shall be treated with the best possible service within the abilities of this office.

We wish to congratulate you on the award of $2,500,000.00 (Two Million, Five Hundred Thousand Dollars) in our just concluded International Prize Award Promotions. The said sum is now deposited in a suspense account in your favor pending remittance to the beneficiary.

The primary objective of this lottery is to reward users of the internet and your email address was among a list of over 200,000 email profiles generated from an internet resource database of regular online users. After the recently concluded draws using a computer balloting system, your email address emerged as the winner in the Category A, and the beneficiary is to be awarded a cash prize of 2,500,000.00 (Two Million, Five Hundred Thousand Dollars)

This is an independent promotion and is unconnected to any Illicit or undocumented publication. Take note that no tickets were sold preceding the draws and it is carried out on a purely promotional basis.

Your winning prize has a hardcover insurance policy that makes it impossible to make any deduction of any kind, until the sum is finally credited into your designated account.

In line with the governing procedures for claim, a vetting process is to be carried out by the Gaming Board. You are expected to fill the attached form below and return, along with a copy of your valid identification document which can be a copy of your passport or driver's license. This is a standard practice just to ensure that we are dealing with the rightful owner of the winning email address.

After the vetting exercise, the Gaming Board will nominate a bank here in Netherlands that will be in charge of the lottery payout. Non-residents of the Netherlands will be required to set up an account with the paying bank; this will enable a successful bank to bank transfer of your winning cash prize.

This process is vital and urgent, and all prize money should be claimed on or before 14 days, thereafter unclaimed funds would be included in the next stake. You are to keep all your winning information confidential, especially your reference numbers. This is important as a case of double claims will not be entertained.

Once again accept our congratulations and if you require any further assistance in filling your claims form, do not hesitate to call my office.

Frank van Boss

3rd message

We are in receipt of your completed documents. I will document it on your file and forward your file to the vetting office of the Gaming Board, in order to obtain the approval for the payout of your cash prize.

This vetting exercise should be finalized within the next 24 hours. Provided that the information which you have furnished us with is true and correct, then the vetting should be a mere formality.

After the approval is issued from the Gaming Board, a bank will be nominated here in the Netherlands to handle the transfer payment of your cash prize, and you will be informed on the details and requirements for completing the payout to you, that is if your vetting is favourable.

Best Regards

Frank van Boss

4th message

Having done all the proper vetting exercise, you have been found worthy of the cash prize in the lottery program, and approved to receive payout.

When your winning cash prize was awarded to your email address, it was deposited in a suspense account pending the validation of the owner of the winning email address. As you may know, a suspense account does not perform any form of international financial transaction. In light of this, you are required to open an offshore account with the paying bank.

Meanwhile as for now everything seem to be working in your favour, all that we require from you now, is your maximum cooperation for smooth transfer of your money through the paying bank to you.

Now, you will be required to make a choice of the type of Non-resident account that will be comfortable with you to setup with the paying bank, based on the volume of transfers you wish to make to your local account.

Below are the Non-resident account options available with the paying bank.

Regular Account, the initial deposit is €1,500.00 (One thousand, five hundred Euros). The Maximum transfer possible within a month is $500,000.00 (Five Hundred Thousand USD).

Daily Account, the initial deposit is €2,500.00 (Two thousand, five hundred Euros). The Maximum transfer possible within a month is $1,000,000.00 (One Million USD).

Premium Account, the initial deposit is €3,500 (Three thousand, five hundred Euros). The transfer possible within a month from this account is $1,500,000.00 (One Million Five Hundred Thousand USD).

Platinum Account, the initial deposit is €4,500.00 (Four thousand, five hundred Euros), the maximum transfer possible from this account within a month is 10,000,000.00 (Ten Million USD).

You will be required to activate the account of your choice with our paying bank with the initial deposit for account activation to be paid by you. Based on my professional opinion, I will candidly advise that you opt for setting up a Regular account because it is the most prudent option, and offers the possibility of upgrading the account to accomodate a higher volume of transfer.

In spite of my opinion, your choice of account should be your own decision to make.

1. Your winning is presently in a suspense account and we cannot make any deduction of any kind until it is deposited in your name in an active account which will make it suitable for transfer.

2. Your Initial deposit paid by you will be added to your winnings and an Account Number and a Pin Code will be given to you by the paying bank to access and transfer your funds online.

Upon your confirmation of the type of account, we will notify the Gaming Board, so as to give approval to our paying bank, the permission to make the transfer.

Please email as soon as you make a choice of account you wish to activate.

Note that your quick anticipation, will determine how soonest you will get your money.

Kind Regards,

Frank van Boss

#8613 by The Enchantress Mon Mar 30, 2009 12:19 pm
Welcome to Scamwarners panpan75.

I am glad you have not lost money to these scammers and your posting of the above mails will alert and warn others.

Thank you for that.

I have looked into your question about your passport number but could find no handy website.

I have discovered that Greek passport application and issuance is handled by the local police so I suggest you contact them about your passport number concerns. They may help and advise you and answer your questions.


Edit to add for further information on this scam, these searches;
Last edited by The Enchantress on Mon Mar 30, 2009 2:22 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Online anyone can claim to be anyone, any age and from anywhere.
#8614 by Arnold Mon Mar 30, 2009 2:05 pm
A quick google tells me that a Greek passport number consists of two letters and five numbers, and I can't see how that would give a scammer access to your bank account, or to be enough to impersonate you. A UK bank would want to see the actual passport. A mere number would tell them nothing.
Scammers have used scanned passports from victims for other internet scams, but a bank would be able to compare your face with the passport photo.
Sometimes scammers ask for information they have no need for, just to see how ready a victim is to disclose information. I think this is the case here. But as The Enchantress says, report it to the police just to be on the safe side.

#8619 by panpan75 Tue Mar 31, 2009 2:20 am
Your comments are apreciated. I have already informed relevant Police department, and waiting their response.
However i woulk like to know what is the procedure in netherlands for a foreigner to open an account on a bank.

thank you for attention.
#8621 by The Enchantress Tue Mar 31, 2009 3:52 am
Concerning opening a bank account in Holland.

Note from above site.

EU citizens need a valid passport and "proof of address" in order to open a bank account. Some banks may, in addition, ask for proof of work and a Sofi-number (Social Fiscal Identification number), and even proof of "residence permit" application.

It would seem that merely knowing a passport number would not be sufficient to open an account.

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Never send money by Western Union/Moneygram.
Never give personal information.
Online anyone can claim to be anyone, any age and from anywhere.
#8634 by Ralph Tue Mar 31, 2009 5:21 am
Hi Pan Pan

It looks like the others have you sorted, from what we know, it looks like your pretty safe from identity fraud, it could have been much worse of course so good thing you spotted it when you did

Feel free to ask if you have any more questions

@Arnold and The Enchantress, thank you, I always know I can go off to bed in situations like that knowing that one of you will have it sorted by the time I come back :wink:
#29828 by jkmack77 Thu Jun 03, 2010 11:56 am
Dear Internet User

We are pleased to inform you of the result of our Internet Promotional Draws. This is a reward program for the patronage of internet services andall email addresses entered for this promotional draws were randomlyselected from an internet resource database of of registered software anddomain users.

Your email address was selected in the Category "A" with Reference NumberRGM/1313-101, and this qualifies you to be the recipient of the grand prizeaward sum of $2,500,000 (Two million, five hundred thousand dollars).

The payout of this cash prize to you will be subject to the final validationsand satisfactory report that you are the bonafide owner of the winning emailaddress. In line with the governing rules of claim, you are required to establishcontact with your designated claims agent via email or telephone with the particulars below:

Name: Mr. Gary Carson
Phone: +31 626 006 051
Email: [email protected]

You are advised to call the Claims agent for confirmation or provide thefollowing information for processing the payment of your cash award.

Names:Telephone/Fax number:
Winning Reference Number:

Failure to complete the claims of your cash prize after 14 days of thisnotice will result in the revision of award. Hence, you should commence yourclaims process immediately, by contacting the claims agent (Mr. Gary Carson) who would be guiding you through the Claims process.

Congratulations on your Winning Prize and we look forward to completing your payout soon.

Yours Faithfully,
Susan Noack
Lottery Co-ordinator

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