#9440 by Donald Duck
Tue May 05, 2009 4:47 pm
Thank you for your email in response to my proposal to you for the Fund transfer of USD$40.5 million USD to you on my behalf. I quite understand and appreciate the content of your email. But I want you to understand that I have made an Honest proposal to you.Before we proceed I would like to make my position Known to you in regards to the legitimacy of this Transaction.
You have my personal guarantee and Assurance that this transaction is 100% legitimate and Risk free and it would be handled under the confines Of the law. I shall also require your personal Guarantee that you are someone that I can trust and Confide in because I will reciprocate same to you.
I would like us to establish a high degree of respect, Trust and confidence in ourselves because it is the Hallmark of any successful transaction.. This in terms Of human and financial effort that are required to Achieve its success. You should also know that a transaction Of this nature and magnitude requires a high degree of confidentiality. 40% of the entire fund will be yours for your kind assistance.
Meanwhile, i would want you to send to me your information;(real name, fax number,phone number, age, your work,nationality), to enable me call you and have this transaction further discussed with you as well as send to you further details.
I attached in this mail,my Drivers Licence so that you will know whom you are dealing with.I am presently in Switzerland for a hide-out from the arrest from the Russian govt.
I await your urgent reply to enable me detail you Further on how to proceed.
Best Regards,
Nikolay Sintsov.
YOUR NAME:*********************
HOME ADDRESS: *****************
TELEPHONE AND FAX:************
YOUR AGE:*******************
YOUR COUNTRY*****************
OFFICE ADDRESS ****************
Every day, we are assaulted by stories of stupid people -- many of whom use their stupidity for personal gain. From time to time, though, we hear of those who strive to achieve new levels of stupidity.