Sharing here the full text of all his messages so that anyone who tries googling any of his letters would find this site, hopefully. No edits were done on the letters, simply copy-pasted here, type errors and all.
*23 August
Greetings and nice to meet you and how are you doing.Thanks for writing me back am really grateful . I will like to have your email address so i can write you an email to tell you more about me and to also add you for a chat online sometimes ... i will wait to hear from you soon till then do take care of yourself.
*24 August
Am so glad i got ur email address and i wrote you a message already to tell you more about me .. i also added you to my messenger for a chat.hope i will not be doing wrong by that singular action.
thanks for the ID and hope to hear from you soon and know more about you.
*24 August
My name is Paul Lawton. I am from Dublin Ireland .I am a Marine Engineer.I work with a Shipping Line here in the United Kingdom.
I was married before, but lost my wife after long battle witn cancer.May her soul rest in peace. I want to spend the rest of my life with someone who is friendly, honest, caring, and trustworthy and God fearing. I find very much peace and tranquility here.
I am real easy person to talk to and a loving and outgoing person.I enjoy playing sax which i do often at my leisure time. I like going to the movies, or watching movies in my room or Cabin, I like swimming, listening to music and dance to any kind of music, I sing, sailing, going bowling and also a good cook. I am a family oriented person, love children and there is more, but it would be better for you to find some things out for yourself.
It is very important for me to build a life of stability, security, and opportunity for the special person I hope to share my thoughts, feelings, experiences, dreams and fantasies with, and to offer the best opportunities for any kid that might be included in my life,both mine and that special person children, and that is my focus at this time and I also do enjoy my job though risky because we are always on the high sea.
I am really interested in wanting to know about what makes you the special person you are today, I want to know more about your family, your background, your life experiences, past relationships, your goals and dreams, your interests, and anything else you want to tell me.I want to learn about you and what makes up your heart and soul, as the friendship I want to build with you I want it to be like no other you have ever shared in or experienced.
This friendship I want to build with you will be filled with substance, quality, spirituality, love, faithfulness and potential.
Hope to hear from you soon.
Warm hug
Paul Lawton
*25 August
Dear <name>,
I was so much excited to read your mail and thanks so much for taking your time to write me in spite of your busy schedule. Content of mail well understood and noted
I am confident you are in good health. Honestly, there is so much I want to tell you and so many things I want to ask you, I don't know where to start. I am new at this online dating thing so please understand if I am a little awkward at it. I am writing this message to you not for the fun of it, but because I want you to take some time for yourself and read carefully.
Let me start by saying that I thank God since I met you. As you may have known, the fountain of any relationship must spring up in the mind. It is very important for me to express to you how much you really mean to me. I wish I could do this in person while gazing into your eyes,but since we are physically separated by miles of emptiness, this expression must come in the form of letters such as this.To me, you are first of all my friend and then...... something more greater in the near future..... God willing. To be honest with you, I am really short of words here, but one thing I do know is that I have the arms to give you a hug, ears to listen to whatever you want to talk about through chat, mail or phone, and I have a heart; a heart that is aching to see your smile. I would like to use this opportunity to say...I am delighted to have met you.
To tell you more about me, I am an honest, kindhearted, hardworking man who does need the support of a loving woman. Ideally, l am someone who is confident in what he want and who he is. We all face tough situations in our lives and we sometimes tend to be mislead by it. A lot of times we often tend to give up. In this life, I have chosen to give up numerous times but I am proud to say that I have also chosen to stay strong and be patient all these years..... which has now led to my finding you. He who seek happiness; they say, by changing anything but his own disposition will waste his life in fruitless efforts and multiply the grief which he purposes to remove. Your living is determined not so much by what life brings you as by the attitude you bring to life; not so much by what happens to you as by the way your mind looks at what happens. This is the reason I have decided to move on in life in spite of my incalculable loss.
Yes! Distance doesn't permit the action to be seen, rather, words convey the feelings when distance hinders. No matter the distance that separates us now, I can assure you that this gap will be bridged as we really get to know each other. As the saying goes: "True Love and Friendship knows no boundaries and no distance; miles and obstacles mean absolutely nothing in the face of love" Though miles may lie between us right now, we'll never be apart forever, for friendship doesn't count the miles, it's measured by the heart.
Now that dishonesty and disbelieve seems to be taking over our souls these days, to know there are people like you makes all the problems look smaller. It’s great to be your friend and to be able to look into the future and see a mix of serenity and hope. This fairly recent friendship is something I consider to be sacred already. It makes me have faith again in some simple but fundamental human values which sometimes; for the lack of practice, we swipe under the carpets of our memories and of our hearts. For me, this new friendship is precious and that’s why I intend to keep it till the end of my days. I believe we can achieve that, because I have faith in you and I have more and more faith in life and in the future. Those who have a friend like you fear nothing. Always bear in mind that my affection and true friendship will be yours forever.
My job will be taking me to Australia by tomorrow (Sailing for a month....and I will really like us to chat before I go.Here is my direct contact number +447031744885 ,+447732434518 and i will love if you will send me some of your pics and your contact number so I can call you.
Here are some of my pics I do hope you will like them.
Hug and sweet kisses
*28 August
When I open my pc to read your email and see your pics I was so much excited and happy.Baby it is now I know there are still angels on earth.You are a paragon of beauty.Baby how are you today?
<Name> my heart is calling out for you. Being miles apart from you is like salt dripping on an open wound. I never thought I could love someone so much as I love and think much of you......even though we are far apart. My heart seems to grow fonder of you with every seconds..... of this great distance that separates us. I know that some decisions are hard to make, but when affection and love prevail over any other interests, then all the roads to happiness become wide open and danger free. First of all, I would like to make sure you know that I love you very much even though we have not met each other and that you are the most wanted and the most desired person than anyone could possibly be.
<name> I also need you to know that there`s nothing more beautiful in the world than what is happening between us right now; I feel we are growing closer and getting along really well. I feel we are becoming more intimate in every sense, and that`s the most gratifying thing two human beings could wish for. That is why I need to remind you even if that takes a simple e-mail, that you don`t have to be afraid on anything, as close and united partners. Distance, like you may have known, doesn't matter if you really love the person, what matters most is your honesty and trust for that relationship to work out. Distance is the key to love's eternity and love knows not distance, it hath no continent, its eyes are for the stars. Even if you are far away, you are always close to my heart. It's good that we are far away because we learn the patient to wait for each other and cherish our love. I long for the day I'll dream of your love no more, when your lips will caress mine for real, when your touch will make me alive again, and the sight of you arouses all my senses. Though the miles may spread out far and wide, and time may wear our faith too thin, I know that the golden bond of love shall keep us close at heart.
However far away, I will always love you. However long I stay, I will always love you. Whatever words I say, I will always love you. Even if it takes eternity, I will always love you. Distance between two hearts is not an obstacle, rather a great reminder of just how strong true love can be. You are my shinning star.
Ever since I read your email, I have been thinking with affection of the moment we will see each other, and satiate all this desire that has taken over us in such an intense but wonderful way.
Having a dream about you yesterday night has never happened to me before, i had a dream that i was holding you ,kissing you ,just as we where romancing i woke up to see myself kissing my pillow, oh my God what is this ,i wish i had a dream of me holding my pillow and wake up kissing you that would have been wonderful.
My baby,Have a wonderful day ahead and may God bless you and keep you. May His light be always with thee. May He keep you safe from harm, and shield you and your family from all wrong. May He grant you His peace. May He guide you on your way. Bring you joy with each new day.
Hug and Kisses.
*30 August
Thanks for your email and how was your night I guess fine as always.I really miss you so much.Honey as soon as i get to Australia i will be coming over to meet you so we could plan our self together.
Sometime in life time, we meet people we have no expectation of meeting. Sometimes you meet people and your whole world experience reforms. I meet you and started
realizing the reason why I have to stay longer. There are times I search for who cares and loves me but I never see, until we meant each other i can not say much but to thank you for making me part of you.
My heart accelerates at the speed of light, every time I breathe, I hear the rhythms of your sweet name, so melodious and charming. Every time I breathe I notice the
inclination in the level of love I have for you. Maybe it's because I keep you in the most integral part of my heart. Sometimes I try to stop loving you but I realize, I can stop breathing, because even if I do, my brain will never cease in passing the impulse of you to my soul because my love for you is burning out control.When I
found you, a new me was made.
Lots of love and kisses always.
*1 September
My lady,
Thanks for your email and how are you today?I was so happy to read your email and can't wait to meet you to feel your warm hug and kiss.
My love, words can't even express what you mean to me.I was so lost, before I met you, and then when you came into my life, everything made sense. I've waited so long, to wake up each morning with a smile on my face until now.
Your perfect in every way, I'am so glad you gave me the chance to be a part of your life. I don't think sometimes, you realize what an amazing person you are. But you have no idea, about the wonderful qualities that you hold, that I see in you. I tell you everyday how much I love you, but you'll never know, just how much I do and how I feel inside. I never knew I could feel like this so soon, and have so much love for one person.
You're my everything baby. You mean the world to me,you're my every thought, my soul, my love, my everything.
Lots of love always.
Rod Stewart-Have I Told You Lately That I Love You (lyrics)
*3 September
My lady,
Thanks for your email and how was your night i guess fine.I was so happy reading your email and can't stop thinking of you.I really miss you so much.
Honey,I need to let you know that I'm so in love with you. You are a very special woman to me and this I think you should know. I am so thankful you have come into my life. I know I have a hard time expressing myself to you. I'm sorry for that. But all I ever ask from you is to keep loving me and continue being my woman and in return I'll never stop loving you. Honey, I owe it all to you, because I would not know what it feels like to be loved if it wasn't for you. So, with everything I have inside me I want you to know that I will be honest, loving, caring and so true to you. I will never let you down. And I hope you too will be honest, faithful and true. Please never make me feel blue.I love you.
Love and kisses always
*9 September
My love
Thanks for email,i am always so excited reading your email and i can't wait to see you the pictures you sent baby.
Loving you gives me the certainty that my blood flows – happily – in my veins.You are the most beautiful, sweet and wonderful thing that could have happened to me, and I can only thank heaven for putting you in my path with the strength and persistence of a cascade.I know I love you and becoming aware of all this love that invades and takes over me makes me very happy. I feel happy, you are a source of good feelings, fountain of virtues and of joy.
If the reason why I feel the way I feel is due to you, I can only reciprocate by devoting you all my affection and attention, by dedicating you the deepest and truest of loves, and by making myself available for anything you may need. There’s nothing happier in the world than reciprocated love, and this is how I feel about our love: reciprocated, true and, for all that, extremely happy!
With a very tender kiss from someone that loves you very much and will never, ever forget you,
Lots of love always
*11 September
My love.
Sitting here at the cabin and thinking back as to how you have made my life so much better, I could never begin to tell you what your love means to me. You have shown me countless times how you care and how you believe in me, how you have given me the strength to give up something that has had a hold of my life for a very long time, without you I don't think I could be following my dreams, much less having someone like you standing beside me.
I know I tell you all the time how amazing you are, you ARE! You're an incredible woman; there is nothing I believe you can't do. The way you make me feel is like nothing I've ever felt before. I know I'm a very impatient person and I'm trying like hell to do the right thing, but the more time I spend with you and the more time we talk and do things together makes me realize that this is our life's plan, this is how our path of forever is suppose to happen, and sometimes I know it's hard for us to deal with but in the end, we'll be stronger and able to handle just about anything that comes our way ... we got thru the hard part, Babe, now all we have is the downhill side.
You have brought out a part in me that I put away a long time ago and thought I'd never be able to find again. You make everything so simple and easy for me to let go and with you in my life I don't need to hide that part of me anymore. What you make me feel for you is nothing short of the ultimate happiness. You are in my thoughts, my dreams, my desires, but most of all my heart!
You are my baby girl, my sweetheart and most of all my future wife! I love you ,
*13 September
My love,
Thanks for email,i am always so excited reading your email and i can't wait to see you honey.I am the only child of my late parents Professor and Dr. Mrs David Howard Lawton of the blessed memory
Loving you gives me the certainty that my blood flows – happily – in my veins.You are the most beautiful, sweet and wonderful thing that could have happened to me, and I can only thank heaven for putting you in my path with the strength and persistence of a cascade.I know I love you and becoming aware of all this love that invades and takes over me makes me very happy. I feel happy, you are a source of good feelings, fountain of virtues and of joy.
If the reason why I feel the way I feel is due to you, I can only reciprocate by devoting you all my affection and attention, by dedicating you the deepest and truest of loves, and by making myself available for anything you may need. There’s nothing happier in the world than reciprocated love, and this is how I feel about our love: reciprocated, true and, for all that, extremely happy!
With a very tender kiss from someone that loves you very much and will never, ever forget you,
Lots of love always
*13 September
I know that neither one of us had in mind that we would meet someone on the Internet and fall in love but it has happened. And for that, I have no regrets. In fact, it is one of the best things that has ever happened to me in years. For this, and what has happened to us and between us I have you to thank.
For these past months you have brought so much joy to me that words can never explain. In these past months , you have brought so much life back into a lifeless body and we have not even met face to face. For these past months I know and realize what it is to LOVE again and to feel loved.
I never thought it would last this long, but it has. This is a clear indication that we have so much in common and we are building on something that is real. I hope we get the chance to see this thing through.
There have been hard times, bad times and good times, but with that comes lonely times. We have reached new and higher grounds with what we have shared in the past months, and I would do it all over again with you if I had to. I have no regrets.
I am sending you this to let you know that I have been sent an angel to be with me, and you are that angel.
Please understand that we have so much to give to each other and I look forward to that day. I believe it is closer now than ever before. It is just that there may be a few more obstacles that we need to clear up, and I think you know what I am talking about. Besides that, we can and I know we will survive.
Love always,
*15 September
From the very first moment I saw you I knew that we were destined to be together. It has been so long since a woman has captured my attention so fully or made my heart beat the way it did that cool day in May. Your smile lights up my entire spirit. Your laughter fills me with joy, and your mere presence will warm any room. I have no doubt you are the woman Heaven has made especially for me.
Thank you for the comfortable conversations. Most importantly, thank you for sharing your love .No matter how slowly or at what distance our courtship develops, I know standing before God and our future family, vowing to be your partner for life, will be the easiest decision I could ever make.
Each day that passes makes our love for each other grow stronger. Although I know it’s hard for us to be apart, I know there is nothing that can keep us apart forever. Our desires will continue to stretch across any distance, over every mountain and ocean between us. Nothing can stand between us, and nothing will stop me from meeting you.
You are my future and nothing can ever keep us from our destiny. I miss you more every day. I am here with open arms where you will some day finally arrive... right where you belong.
Love Always,
*16 September
Thanks for your mail and how are you today?I guess you are fine?Please I need your prayers.We are now at the Lebuan Island close to Malaysia and our ship have develop a major fault and we are now moving at a very slow pace.Please Pray for me and the crew members that nothing happen to us.
I was thinking about you, as usual. I want you to know how much I sincerely love the times we've spent Emailing. It means so much to me. It truly seems like I've known you forever and I honestly can't imagine life without you now. There will be no looking back, no second thoughts and no regrets. I want you and need only you ... and that love will only grow stronger. All I can say is you're the best surprise life has given me and your capacity for love, caring, and understanding never ceases to amaze me. I've truly been blessed by finding you and I'll never let you go, Honey I believe that good things come to those who wait, I love you
Lots of Love always
*16 September
What ever situation I found my self I always give Glory to God.Please I need your prayers.
We are in a very serious problem here and need God intervention.The brain box of the ship is having a very serious problem and we are all confused here.We just received information from the Signal house that there are sea pirates from Indonesia blocking the sea and they are about 312 KM away from us and the nearest place for this Ship to anchor is Labuan Island somewhere in South Malaysia.
As it is now, we are no longer safe because we fear the pirates attack because the ship is very slow now. We have called for a rescue team but we are yet to get a response from our headquarters.
The captains of the Ship have announced that the SHIP will duck here for another 20 days until its safe to continue sailing.
Honey my problem now is my valuable documents.I do not want them stolen from me in the event of any attack.its an agreement on Metal oil in drums wchich i bought in Australia and to supply to a company in Mexico I already had contract agreement with.
Honey, as the Director of Operation in this Ship,I have to take care of this ship until all GOODS/PRODUCT are completely discharged.
Now there are so many security company stands at the sea shore and I am thinking of what to do?and at this time I need you to stand by me .. I don't know what to do now.
I want to quickly send you my valuable documents. so that you can help me to secure it in your place until I have the chance to make my trip and meet you soonest.I know we have not met each other but I TRUST you and give you my whole heart so that life can move straight with us and i know you will never disappoint or hurt me because we are already two in one flesh .I have learned to take life as it happens as I remember everything happens for a reason.
I will discussed with one of the security company here.They will proceed delivery immediately I get a confirmation from you to assist me in receiving this my valuable documents and some money because
there is no bank here and I don't want to loose my valuables to sea pirates because I know how I suffered for it.
Honey quickly forward to me your information as follows to enable me send the my valuable documents to you immediately through PIGEON WORLDWIDE Security COMPANY.
Your Full Name
Your Receiving Address:
Phone number.
email Address
Please get back to me as soon as possible.
The man that loves you,