Scams re-targeting those who have already been victimized
#153184 by dizir Wed Feb 27, 2013 1:22 pm
I got this and would like to know if this is real?
thx roland


The Investment and Security Fraud Protection Agency (ISFPA) has been appointed trustee on issues of securities fraud and money laundering cases by The United States Congress. Its main responsibility includes the enforcement of rules and regulations governing business and ethical conducts of securities firms that do business with the public as well as mediation and arbitration.

At this time, we are on the process of investigating institutions as well as private investors who has purportedly made business with firms, corporation’s individuals and organizations which are believed to be involved in unethical, illegal and fraudulent activities. It has been established that you were one of the depositors of the companies in questions and hereby asked to comply to requirements set forth in this letter in aid of this investigation. Proof of payments, stock certificates as well as any and all documentations will serve as proof of your transactions with the companies in question. Further verification of such documents shall help us establish your position in this investigation and thus will also aid us in the process of mediation and arbitration in cases of securities fraud and money laundering cases.

Upon receipt of your documentations and accomplished complaint form, you will be notified of the status of the investigation accordingly

Kindly send us the documentations as well as the duly accomplished complaint information sheet as soon as possible.

Thank you.


Mr. James Miller

Officer of Investigation

Investment and Security Fraud Protection Agency

Two Prudential Plaza, Stetson Avenue Chicago Illinois


[email protected]


IMPORTANT NOTICE: The Securities Investor Protection Act of 1970 (SIPA) is a complex and technical statute. The Web site of the INVESTMENT AND SECURITY FRAUD PROTECTION AGENCY provides a basic explanation of the Securities Investor Protection Corporation. However, it does not explain the SIPA statute with respect to any particular fact pattern. Answers to questions involving particular facts depend upon interpretations, administrative decisions, and court actions.

#153189 by jolly_roger Wed Feb 27, 2013 1:59 pm
Looking suspect in my view. is linked to a public IP address which is currently hosted by Elvsoft SRL. is valuated at $0 USD because it could be making around $0 USD per day. Estimated that this domain receives 0 hits each day.
Server Host Location: in Romania. City: Otopeni.
Site created On:04-Feb-2013 & Expiration Date:04-Feb-2014 12:33:11 UTC
Registrant Name:WhoisGuard Protected
Registrant Organization:WhoisGuard

No, it's not sounding good. And having the site registered for the 12 month bare minimum does not instill a great deal of confidence.
#153245 by jolly_roger Wed Feb 27, 2013 11:49 pm
And the james miller name appears in the earlier scam attempt in relation to Scam/Internet Fraud Victims Compensation Department. That was in the middle of the year twenty 10 and using the email addresses [email protected] and [email protected]
In twenty 09, james made another appearance. In October of that year he was pretending to be a delegate from the nigerian government reimbursement committee under the strict supervision of the United Nations to pay 150 scam victims the sum of 115,960.00 USD.
#153270 by Dotti Thu Feb 28, 2013 12:21 am
The English was a dead giveaway even before the fake site. Another case of scammers trying to pretend to be an American business or agency when they can't even manage the language properly.

As for the domain? A government-appointed agency does not hide behind whois guard!

The scammers have copied much of their information from a real agency, SIPC (

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#153968 by began steele Mon Mar 04, 2013 11:38 am
Victor Drew
Investment and Security Fraud Protection Agency
(703) 236-3275 West Africa
[email protected]

We sleep safe in our beds because rough men stand ready in the night to visit violence on those who would do us harm. ~~ George Orwell.

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