Information on romance scams and scammers.
#147472 by piekna Mon Jan 28, 2013 11:58 am
[email protected]
    I am writing this letter with shame and grief, I do not know how to react. But I want you to know that I do not want to lose you. Please do not disappoint me with this request.
   We were alerted to the sudden presence of a terrorist camp Marzar Sharif, a suburb not too far from Kabul here in Afghanistan. After immediate intervention, we have won three (3) of the terrorists (7), injured. During the torture, confessed as rebels in Abu Baqir Taliban sub-commander and al Qaeda group leader, and they took us to a cave in Marzar Sharif. It was their camp. Here recovered several guns and other munitions including some boxes among which two contains nuclear weapons, and the other contains a few million dollars and I do not have in my possession the sum of $ 6.7 million U.S. dollars, as we
    need you as a reliable and trustworthy person to receive this money and invest part of it in any lucrative business, and secure it for me till I come. It's never stolen money or illegal money is, but because we were on duty to bring peace
in Afghanistan, many soldiers lost their nature and no amount of compensation can bring back the dead soldiers, and then think about how the family will feel that it is the reasons I decided to split the money between us, but return all guns and ammunition to our camp, it's official the reason I need your help to check shipping to any safe places to choose from.
    I do not have to worry about their ability to deliver this project, between you and me, baby, do not forget that I am still serving in public office. Apparently, it would be detrimental to my carrier if that information will come out in public. Please, can I trust you to maintain absolute secrecy and confidentiality to protect my work, my personality and money. In less than 5 days in the field, should be held, and I will give you further instructions. But you must know that I have to take precautions to protect your money. Box chest was now DHL to the UK, and was made in the Diplomatic Bonded Security Company for safekeeping. I told the content in the metal family treasures to avoid raising eyebrows officials. I want you to help me secure handling of money in your bank account in the country concerned, as soon as I return from Afghanistan. we both start a new life, and dreamed of moving to a new country for a certain period of time, and to lead a quiet life until he finds. The total amount in the trunk is $ 6.7 million dollars. To my surprise, I never thought about the amount, in my situation, but the glory of the Almighty God for his infinite mercy.
    You tell me your opinion about my application, so you can contact a lawyer in charge that my you, my dear, is now legal benefactor of the trunk and now claim the trunk box is worth the sum of $ 6,700,000 USD. I know that you can help me to claim this money, because I can not leave here because of the safety reasons.thanks Daling for you to understand.
 Always care for you, David.

Baby i want you to help me contact my lawyer InCharge box, how can you claim to be abke my box and come right before the baby,,,,,,,,,,, we really need to act very quickly becaquse not much time left okay darling

Modibokadi & Associates.
613, Grange Crescent,
Tadcaster, North Yorkshire,
LS24 8 AQ, United Kingdom,
TEL +44-704-578-2494
Fax +44-700-593-0911

Dear Mrs David
I received your email and all you discussed in it was quite
understood. What I have been mandated to do by General David Petraeus,
is to arrange for the necessary documents which will be presented to
the security company where the consignments where lodged for a prompt
bailout and further delivery to your designated address.Please find
attached form for you to fill and send back for immediate action to
enable me submit in the British High Court of Justice, United Kingdom.

On this note, you are to send a payment registration fee of £3,500.00
GBP, upon lodgment of the application as stated in the attached form.

With your presented data, I shall proceed to the British High Court,
to declare a sworn affidavit of claim in your name as the final
beneficiary of the consignments.

With the sworn affidavit duly endorsed by the appropriate authority,
it will be presented to the security company for a final claim and
bail out.

Please find attachment for detailed information.

Awaiting your prompt response.

Barri Sanford Bodibo Kadi

08:25 (8 hrs. Ago)

to me
receives an e-mail I would like to inform you that you are to send payment via Western Union payments given below.

Receive Name: Jodi Vinal
Receiver Address: Euston Tower 286 Euston Road London
Amount to be send: 1700pounds

Receive Name: Fain Terris
Receiver Address: Euston Tower 286 Euston Road London
Amount to be send: 1700pounds

Barri Sanford Bodibo Kadi
or on the basis of all the data contained in the text can determine who's the impostor

Odebrane: przez z SMTP id l6csp131599vde;
Wed, 08 maja 2013 03:07:34 -0700 (PDT)
X-odebrane: by z SMTP id hr7mr4143777wjb.0.1368007653331;
Wed, 08 maja 2013 03:07:33 -0700 (PDT)
Return-Path: <[email protected]>
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przez z ESMTP id et4si1704688wic.25.2013.
Wed, 08 maja 2013 03:07:33 -0700 (PDT)
Odebrane-SPF: przebieg ( domena [email protected] oznacza jako dozwolonym nadawcy) client-ip =;
spf = przebieg ( domena [email protected] oznacza jako dozwolonym nadawcy) smtp.mail = [email protected]
Received: from BAY173-W22 ([]) przez z Microsoft smtpsvc (6.0.3790.4675);
Wed, 08 maja 2013 03:06:38 -0700
X-EIP: [eaFl88rlkxya6G6r2QeUleWGSsXIAlCZ]
X-pochodz?ce-E-mail: [[email protected]]
Message-ID: <[email protected]>
Return-Path: [email protected]
Content-Type: multipart / alternative;
boundary = "_b61f0c11-44a7-41d6-9734-23d9db8351c2_"
Od: genera? David Petraeus <[email protected]>
To: "
Temat: RE:
Date: Wed, 08 maja 2013 03:06:38 -0700
Znaczenie: Normal

MIME-Version: 1.0
X-OriginalArrivalTime: 08 maja 2013 10:06:38.0381 (UTC) FILETIME = [BAC26DD0: 01CE4BD3]

- _b61f0c11-44a7-41d6-9734-23d9db8351c2_

kochanie spr = F3bowa = E6 jakiejkolwiek p = B3atno = B6ci wynios = B1 prawnika zrobi? po =
Mocy prawnika zrobi? swobodnego dyplomaty Na lotnisku w Porz = B1dku. Jedynym WYJ =
= B6ciem =

Osoba uzywajaca tego adresu jest bardzo podobna do oryginalu. Wlancza na krotki moment kamere .Wkleilam tego e-mail jako ostrzezenie dla innych , nie UFAJ nawet jezeli jestes przekonana , ze to oryginal.
Last edited by piekna on Sun May 19, 2013 12:54 pm, edited 1 time in total.

#147510 by vonpaso xlura Mon Jan 28, 2013 1:38 pm
David Petraeus was born in New York and educated in American schools. It is unthinkable that he would write with grammar such as that.

Finding a huge amount of money, or coming into possession of it in some manner, and wanting to transfer it overseas with the help of some random stranger is a common theme of scams.

The phone number of Modibokadi is a redirect. He is not in the United Kingdom, whatever his address and phone number say. He is probably in Africa.

It's a scam, no doubt about it.

... ni los estafadores heredarán el reino de Dios. 1 Cor. 6:10
#147573 by jolly_roger Tue Jan 29, 2013 3:34 am
Yes indeed it being a scam without question!
The exact same facsimile number of +44-700-593-0911 being previously used in another financial scam in February 2011. It was perpetrated by a scammer using the name of George Williams and pretending to be a consultant. And used the fake email addresses:- [email protected] and [email protected]
#166230 by piekna Sun May 19, 2013 1:01 pm
Odebrane: przez z SMTP id l6csp131599vde; Wed, 08 maja 2013 03:07:34 -0700 (PDT), X-odebrane: by z. SMTP id hr7mr4143777wjb.0.1368007653331; Wed, 08 maja 2013 03:07:33 -0700 (PDT) Return-Path: <generaldavidpetraeus44 @> Received: from ( [].) przez z ESMTP id et4si1704688wic.25.2013. DLA Wed, 08 maja 2013 03:07:33 -0700 (PDT) Odebrane-SPF: PRZEBIEG ( domena [email protected] oznacza JAKO dozwolonym nadawcy) client-ip = 65,54 .190.78; Authentication-Results:; spf = PRZEBIEG ( domena [email protected] oznacza JAKO dozwolonym nadawcy) smtp.mail = [email protected] odebrane: od BAY173-W22 ([]) przez z Microsoft smtpsvc (6.0.3790.4675) Wed, 08 maja 2013 03:06:38 -0700 X-EIP: [eaFl88rlkxya6G6r2QeUleWGSsXIAlCZ] X-pochodz?ce -E-mail: [[email protected]] Message-ID: wielocz??ciowy / alternative; boundary = "_b61f0c11-44a7-41d6-9734-23d9db8351c2_" Od: genera? David Petraeus <[email protected]> To: " Temat: RE: Data: Wed, 08 maja 2013 03:06:38 -0700 Znaczenie: 1.0 X-OriginalArrivalTime: 08 maja 2013 10:06:38.0381 (UTC) FILETIME = [BAC26DD0: 01CE4BD3] - _b61f0c11-44a7-41d6-9734-23d9db8351c2_ kochanie spr = F3bowa = E6 jakiejkolwiek p = B3atno = B6ci wynios = B1 prawnika zrobic PO = Mocy prawnika zrobic swobodnego dyplomaty Na lotnisku w Porz = B1dku. Jedynym WYJ = = B6ciem =

osoba uzywajaca Tego adresu ?art BARDZO podobna zrób oryginalu. Wlancza na kamere chwila krotki. Wkleilam Tego e-mail JAKO ostrzezenie DLA innych, NIE UFAJ nawet jezeli jestes przekonana, ZE do oryginalnych.

Moderator edit to translate: The person using that address very similar make a joke of the original. wlancza per camera for a brief moment. pasted the e-mail as a warning to others, do not trust even if you are satisfied with the original. ~Bubbles
#166274 by piekna Mon May 20, 2013 12:35 am
A person who uses the e-mail address is double of the original note! Do not trust even those bound to show up.

Received: by with SMTP id l6csp131599vde;
Wed, 8 May 2013 03:07:34 -0700 (PDT)
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Wed, 08 May 2013 03:07:33 -0700 (PDT)
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by with ESMTP id et4si1704688wic.25.2013.
for <
Wed, 08 May 2013 03:07:33 -0700 (PDT)
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Wed, 8 May 2013 03:06:38 -0700
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Message-ID: <[email protected]>
Return-Path: [email protected]
Content-Type: multipart/alternative;
From: General David Petraeus <[email protected]>
To: "
Subject: RE:
Date: Wed, 8 May 2013 03:06:38 -0700
Importance: Normal
<[email protected]>,<>
MIME-Version: 1.0
X-OriginalArrivalTime: 08 May 2013 10:06:38.0381 (UTC) FILETIME=[BAC26DD0:01CE4BD3]

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kochanie spr=F3bowa=E6 jakiejkolwiek p=B3atno=B6ci wynios=B1 prawnika do po=
mocy prawnika do swobodnego dyplomaty na lotnisku w porz=B1dku. Jedynym wyj=
=B6ciem =
#166277 by jolly_roger Mon May 20, 2013 12:59 am
And I'm on the understanding David is a retired American military official? Did he not retire in late Twenty 12? Any one receiving an email 'from him' please be aware it's a scam of the highest order.
#166278 by Bubbles Mon May 20, 2013 1:14 am
You are correct Jolly, it is a scam. The General resigned from the CIA in 2012 after a scandal. He has not been in Afghanistan for many years. Even if he had, for any American military personnel to remove money or any other artifact is a crime and no one should participate in doing such, even if it were not a scam.

It is 100% a scam!

Bubbles, former Scamwarners moderator.

Rest in Peace 24 June 2015.

Gone, but never forgotten.
#166393 by piekna Tue May 21, 2013 9:39 am

! It's about an inch organized group

The first person is the one that uses the e-mail address [email protected]>

The second person is a lawyer - lawyer

Received: by with SMTP id ci12csp188996iec;
Sat, 16 Mar 2013 21:44:33 -0700 (PDT)
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spf=pass ( domain of [email protected] designates as permitted sender) [email protected]
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Sat, 16 Mar 2013 21:43:38 -0700
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<[email protected]>,<>,<>
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ze wzgl=EAdu na sw=F3j e-mail=2C jestem bardzo myli=E6 w tej sytuacji i sko=
ntaktowa=B3em si=EA Britist urz=EAdu skarbowego. i by=B3em poinformowa=E6=
=2C =BFe przed ka=BFdym du=BFa cz=EA=B6=E6 =BFycia kwota kraj musi p=B3aci=
=E6 rz=B1dzie podatkowy przed fundusze mog=B1 =BFy=E6 coutry. Wi=EAc pani D=
avis jedynym sposobem jest dla nas=2C aby znale=BC=E6 spos=F3b=2C aby zebra=
=E6 pieni=B1dze i p=B3aci=E6 za rozliczenia podatkowe swoich skrzynek m=EA=
=BFa. nie=2C =BFe nie ma sposobu=2C mo=BFemy obej=B6=E6 ten problem=2C ale =
tylko tak mog=EA by=E6 pomocne dla Ciebie=2C poniewa=BF teraz z m=EA=BFem i=
jestem ryzykuj=B1c na kr=F3tki termin obci=B1=BFenia 20.000 funt=F3w z jed=
nego z mojego domu i idziesz aby mi odda=E6 z odsetkami i innych p=B3atno=
=B6ci i pom=F3c zap=B3aci=E6 jak najszybciej pola dotrze=E6 do ciebie=2C be=
z zw=B3oki trzeba spr=F3bowa=E6 i podnie=B6=E6 300=2C00 funt=F3w=2C aby umo=
=BFliwi=E6 nam wyczy=B6ci=E6 pola m=B1=BF przed ko=F1cem tego tygodnia . cz=
ekam na swoje piln=B1 reagowa=E6 w tej sprawie. =

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.hmmessage P
font-size: 10pt=3B
<body class=3D'hmmessage'><div dir=3D'ltr'>
<SPAN id=3Dresult_box lang=3Dpl tabIndex=3D-1><STRONG><SPAN class=3Dhps>ze =
wzgl=EAdu na</SPAN> <SPAN class=3Dhps>sw=F3j e-mail</SPAN><SPAN>=2C jestem =
bardzo</SPAN> <SPAN class=3Dhps>myli=E6</SPAN> <SPAN class=3Dhps>w tej sytu=
acji i</SPAN> <SPAN class=3Dhps>skontaktowa=B3em si=EA</SPAN> <SPAN class=
=3Dhps>Britist</SPAN> <SPAN class=3Dhps>urz=EAdu skarbowego.</SPAN> <SPAN c=

The third person is a diplomat
Diplomat Jonathan Baily <[email protected]>

Received: by with SMTP id ci12csp111652iec;
Fri, 15 Mar 2013 01:50:35 -0700 (PDT)
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by with ESMTP id n9si3397009yha.160.2013.;
Fri, 15 Mar 2013 01:50:35 -0700 (PDT)
Received-SPF: neutral ( is neither permitted nor denied by best guess record for domain of [email protected]) client-ip=;
spf=neutral ( is neither permitted nor denied by best guess record for domain of [email protected]) [email protected]
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(mrigmxus001) with ESMTP (Nemesis) id 0MEFlU-1UVoYM1ACm-00FP7f for
; Fri, 15 Mar 2013 09:50:34 +0100
Received: (qmail 1408 invoked by uid 0); 15 Mar 2013 08:50:34 -0000
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Cc: "
Content-Type: multipart/mixed; boundary="========GMX31431363337431611881"
Date: Fri, 15 Mar 2013 04:50:30 -0400
From: "Diplomat Jonathan Baily" <[email protected]>
Message-ID: <[email protected]>
MIME-Version: 1.0
Subject: =?utf-8?Q?Szcz=C4=99=C5=9Bliwy_dzie=C5=84_Dla_Ciebie_Pani_David?=
X-Flags: 0001
X-Mailer: Web Mailer
x-registered: 0

Content-Type: multipart/alternative;

Content-Type: text/plain; charset="utf-8"
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*Szczęśliwy dzień Dla Ciebie Pani David*

*Pragnę poinformować, że mój lot będzie startu 10:40 dzisiaj i ja przyjechać Düsseldorf International Airport w 12:00. dam wam telefon raz i dostać się do niemieckiego.*

*Mam na sobie czarny garnitur i niebieską rękawie. przesyłam załącznik kopia rachunku oddechowych i mój identyfikator.*

*Z pozdrowieniami.*
*Pan Jonathan Baily*

Content-Type: text/html; charset="utf-8"
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<span style=3D'font-family:Verdana'><span style=3D'font-size:12px'><p style=
=3D"margin:0px; padding:0px;" >=C2=A0</p><div><strong>Szcz=C4=99=C5=9Bliwy =
dzie=C5=84 Dla Ciebie Pani David</strong></div><div>=C2=A0</div><div><stron=
g>Pragn=C4=99 poinformowa=C4=87, =C5=BCe m=C3=B3j lot b=C4=99dzie startu 10=
:40 dzisiaj i ja przyjecha=C4=87 D=C3=BCsseldorf International Airport w 12=
:00. dam wam telefon raz i dosta=C4=87 si=C4=99 do niemieckiego.</strong></=
div><div><strong>&nbsp;</strong></div><div><strong>Mam na sobie czarny garn=
itur i niebiesk=C4=85 r=C4=99kawie. przesy=C5=82am za=C5=82=C4=85cznik kopi=
a rachunku oddechowych i m=C3=B3j identyfikator.</strong></div><div><strong=
>&nbsp;</strong></div><div><strong>Z pozdrowieniami.</strong></div><div><st=
rong>Pan Jonathan Baily</strong></div></span></span>


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Content-Transfer-Encoding: base64
Content-Disposition: attachment; filename*=us-ascii''I%20D.jpg
Content-Description: Attachment: I D.jpg

Another fiction is the UK tax authority, which has the same IP address as a diplomat
Received: by with SMTP id ci12csp126842iec;
Fri, 15 Mar 2013 08:11:20 -0700 (PDT)
X-Received: by with SMTP id w10mr6055131qed.64.1363360280340;
Fri, 15 Mar 2013 08:11:20 -0700 (PDT)
Return-Path: <[email protected]>
Received: from ( [])
by with ESMTP id i7si5086542yhq.208.2013.;
Fri, 15 Mar 2013 08:11:20 -0700 (PDT)
Received-SPF: neutral ( is neither permitted nor denied by best guess record for domain of [email protected]) client-ip=;
spf=neutral ( is neither permitted nor denied by best guess record for domain of [email protected]) [email protected]
Received: from ([]) by mrigmx.server.lan
(mrigmxus002) with ESMTP (Nemesis) id 0M3S6e-1UYKFr1asa-00r1qM for
Fri, 15 Mar 2013 16:11:19 +0100
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Content-Type: multipart/alternative;
Date: Fri, 15 Mar 2013 11:11:17 -0400
From: "BRITISH INLAND REVENUE TAX" <[email protected]>
Message-ID: <[email protected]>
MIME-Version: 1.0
X-Flags: 0001
X-Mailer: Web Mailer
x-registered: 0
X-GMX-UID: QV8xcSYE3zOl2w9wOnwh+0x+IGRvbwAG

Content-Type: text/plain; charset="utf-8"
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*Inland Revenue is Authorised and Regulated by the Financial Services Authority.The Taxation and Revenue Department assesses certain types of taxes. A tax is levied on your husband boxes raffles, etc. Almost everywhere, normally by the payment authority on behalf of the Government.

in most cases, the tax takes the form of a permit fee. It is only classified as a tax in a few Governments/Countries. Non residential tax is the sole responsibility of the beneficiary. Income taxes deducted from source generally include direct federal tax , communal taxes, as well as, most of the time, church tax. As in the case of income tax, cantonal tax rates vary to a fairly large extent depending on the Locality.

Governmental tax scales for withholding tax and the corresponding regulations are available at the Government tax departments.
your husband boxes is now on Hold because we noticed you have not clear Tax on your funds as Non- British citizen, so in this case you will have to pay a non-residential fee before this Bank Draft can be released by the British Government to Our payment receiving office.
Therefore, the amount for the non-residential tax is £50,000, and it is payable to the Accounts Department. This will ensure that your funds are not Taxed again by any Tax Authority{e.g the IRS}.

Your Funds can only be Delivered to you immediately you are cleared of the BRITISH INLAND REVENUE TAX, and the only way you can be cleared is when you pay for Non-residentail tax fee. Contact The delivery office(Bee Line Company) for your Tax payment Instructions. So that we can released your husband Boxes to them for delivery, immediately the payment is received by us here in our Office.

Best Regards,



If anyone of these people will establish contact with you, be very careful, do not trust.
If someone knows something about these people let him share knowledge.

Piekna.......thanks for all the suggestions and information
#168988 by TerranceBoyce Sun Jun 16, 2013 1:16 pm
Apart from being written by someone borderline illiterate, it doesn't actually make any sense either.

The scammer clearly knows little about UK financial authorities and he is wrong and muddled at the same time. Anyone in the UK would recognise that it is written by someone who didn't complete their education.

CAR ADVERTS - If a car seller mentions escrow - he's scamming you Never ever for any reason pay anything until you have seen and inspected the vehicle
#170274 by piekna Mon Jul 01, 2013 3:50 pm
Hello, I have a question

and can determine exactly based on the domain or IP address, or a different possibility, whence walk out all the e - mail?
Thanks for all the suggestions - Piekna
#170529 by piekna Thu Jul 04, 2013 9:19 am
How can rely on, with this program tells the truth? Or is it 100% sure that the e-mail came out of the town which are given?

Use this site to track IPs

Thank you for all the answers-beautiful
#170531 by Dotti Thu Jul 04, 2013 9:52 am
The tool is accurate at identifying the general location of an IP address.

But sometimes the mail provider removes the IP address of the sender, and puts only the IP address of the email provider.

If you are seeing a location in California or Washington, then you are seeing the location of the email company, not of the sender.

If you post the header here, we can probably help you to sort it out.

Need to post photos?
Are you a victim of a romance scam? Read here for advice and FAQ's.
#170544 by Con Warner Thu Jul 04, 2013 1:43 pm is as accurate as other tools that carry out IP address checks. It does not pinpoint the sender but will show the country it originated from and also closest internet "point of presence" (PoP), which may be the same city as the source.

Currently, Hotmail email addresses for all IP locators show as being in the USA but others resolve quite nicely.

The header that is posted for "Diplomat Jonathan Baily" <[email protected]> when processed, gives this result..
Originating IP:
Originating ISP: Visafone
City: Lagos
Country of Origin: Nigeria

and the one for "BRITISH INLAND REVENUE TAX" <[email protected]>, comes back with this...
Originating IP:
Originating ISP: Visafone
City: Lagos
Country of Origin: Nigeria

"" and "" are free email addresses that can be registered anonymously with any name. is very accurate in it's report of their source.

Email: [email protected]

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