[email protected]
I am writing this letter with shame and grief, I do not know how to react. But I want you to know that I do not want to lose you. Please do not disappoint me with this request.
We were alerted to the sudden presence of a terrorist camp Marzar Sharif, a suburb not too far from Kabul here in Afghanistan. After immediate intervention, we have won three (3) of the terrorists (7), injured. During the torture, confessed as rebels in Abu Baqir Taliban sub-commander and al Qaeda group leader, and they took us to a cave in Marzar Sharif. It was their camp. Here recovered several guns and other munitions including some boxes among which two contains nuclear weapons, and the other contains a few million dollars and I do not have in my possession the sum of $ 6.7 million U.S. dollars, as we
need you as a reliable and trustworthy person to receive this money and invest part of it in any lucrative business, and secure it for me till I come. It's never stolen money or illegal money is, but because we were on duty to bring peace
in Afghanistan, many soldiers lost their nature and no amount of compensation can bring back the dead soldiers, and then think about how the family will feel that it is the reasons I decided to split the money between us, but return all guns and ammunition to our camp, it's official the reason I need your help to check shipping to any safe places to choose from.
I do not have to worry about their ability to deliver this project, between you and me, baby, do not forget that I am still serving in public office. Apparently, it would be detrimental to my carrier if that information will come out in public. Please, can I trust you to maintain absolute secrecy and confidentiality to protect my work, my personality and money. In less than 5 days in the field, should be held, and I will give you further instructions. But you must know that I have to take precautions to protect your money. Box chest was now DHL to the UK, and was made in the Diplomatic Bonded Security Company for safekeeping. I told the content in the metal family treasures to avoid raising eyebrows officials. I want you to help me secure handling of money in your bank account in the country concerned, as soon as I return from Afghanistan. we both start a new life, and dreamed of moving to a new country for a certain period of time, and to lead a quiet life until he finds. The total amount in the trunk is $ 6.7 million dollars. To my surprise, I never thought about the amount, in my situation, but the glory of the Almighty God for his infinite mercy.
You tell me your opinion about my application, so you can contact a lawyer in charge that my you, my dear, is now legal benefactor of the trunk and now claim the trunk box is worth the sum of $ 6,700,000 USD. I know that you can help me to claim this money, because I can not leave here because of the safety reasons.thanks Daling for you to understand.
Always care for you, David.
Baby i want you to help me contact my lawyer InCharge box, how can you claim to be abke my box and come right before the baby,,,,,,,,,,, we really need to act very quickly becaquse not much time left okay darling
Modibokadi & Associates.
613, Grange Crescent,
Tadcaster, North Yorkshire,
LS24 8 AQ, United Kingdom,
TEL +44-704-578-2494
Fax +44-700-593-0911
Dear Mrs David
I received your email and all you discussed in it was quite
understood. What I have been mandated to do by General David Petraeus,
is to arrange for the necessary documents which will be presented to
the security company where the consignments where lodged for a prompt
bailout and further delivery to your designated address.Please find
attached form for you to fill and send back for immediate action to
enable me submit in the British High Court of Justice, United Kingdom.
On this note, you are to send a payment registration fee of £3,500.00
GBP, upon lodgment of the application as stated in the attached form.
With your presented data, I shall proceed to the British High Court,
to declare a sworn affidavit of claim in your name as the final
beneficiary of the consignments.
With the sworn affidavit duly endorsed by the appropriate authority,
it will be presented to the security company for a final claim and
bail out.
Please find attachment for detailed information.
Awaiting your prompt response.
Barri Sanford Bodibo Kadi
08:25 (8 hrs. Ago)
to me
receives an e-mail I would like to inform you that you are to send payment via Western Union payments given below.
Receive Name: Jodi Vinal
Receiver Address: Euston Tower 286 Euston Road London
Amount to be send: 1700pounds
Receive Name: Fain Terris
Receiver Address: Euston Tower 286 Euston Road London
Amount to be send: 1700pounds
Barri Sanford Bodibo Kadi
or on the basis of all the data contained in the text can determine who's the impostor
Odebrane: przez z SMTP id l6csp131599vde;
Wed, 08 maja 2013 03:07:34 -0700 (PDT)
X-odebrane: by z SMTP id hr7mr4143777wjb.0.1368007653331;
Wed, 08 maja 2013 03:07:33 -0700 (PDT)
Return-Path: <[email protected]>
Received: from bay0-omc2-s3.bay0.hotmail.com (bay0-omc2-s3.bay0.hotmail.com [].)
przez mx.google.com z ESMTP id et4si1704688wic.25.2013.
Wed, 08 maja 2013 03:07:33 -0700 (PDT)
Odebrane-SPF: przebieg (google.com: domena [email protected] oznacza jako dozwolonym nadawcy) client-ip =;
Authentication-Results: mx.google.com;
spf = przebieg (google.com: domena [email protected] oznacza jako dozwolonym nadawcy) smtp.mail = [email protected]
Received: from BAY173-W22 ([]) przez bay0-omc2-s3.bay0.hotmail.com z Microsoft smtpsvc (6.0.3790.4675);
Wed, 08 maja 2013 03:06:38 -0700
X-EIP: [eaFl88rlkxya6G6r2QeUleWGSsXIAlCZ]
X-pochodz?ce-E-mail: [[email protected]]
Message-ID: <[email protected]>
Return-Path: [email protected]
Content-Type: multipart / alternative;
boundary = "_b61f0c11-44a7-41d6-9734-23d9db8351c2_"
Od: genera? David Petraeus <[email protected]>
To: "
Temat: RE:
Date: Wed, 08 maja 2013 03:06:38 -0700
Znaczenie: Normal
MIME-Version: 1.0
X-OriginalArrivalTime: 08 maja 2013 10:06:38.0381 (UTC) FILETIME = [BAC26DD0: 01CE4BD3]
- _b61f0c11-44a7-41d6-9734-23d9db8351c2_
kochanie spr = F3bowa = E6 jakiejkolwiek p = B3atno = B6ci wynios = B1 prawnika zrobi? po =
Mocy prawnika zrobi? swobodnego dyplomaty Na lotnisku w Porz = B1dku. Jedynym WYJ =
= B6ciem =
Osoba uzywajaca tego adresu jest bardzo podobna do oryginalu. Wlancza na krotki moment kamere .Wkleilam tego e-mail jako ostrzezenie dla innych , nie UFAJ nawet jezeli jestes przekonana , ze to oryginal.
I am writing this letter with shame and grief, I do not know how to react. But I want you to know that I do not want to lose you. Please do not disappoint me with this request.
We were alerted to the sudden presence of a terrorist camp Marzar Sharif, a suburb not too far from Kabul here in Afghanistan. After immediate intervention, we have won three (3) of the terrorists (7), injured. During the torture, confessed as rebels in Abu Baqir Taliban sub-commander and al Qaeda group leader, and they took us to a cave in Marzar Sharif. It was their camp. Here recovered several guns and other munitions including some boxes among which two contains nuclear weapons, and the other contains a few million dollars and I do not have in my possession the sum of $ 6.7 million U.S. dollars, as we
need you as a reliable and trustworthy person to receive this money and invest part of it in any lucrative business, and secure it for me till I come. It's never stolen money or illegal money is, but because we were on duty to bring peace
in Afghanistan, many soldiers lost their nature and no amount of compensation can bring back the dead soldiers, and then think about how the family will feel that it is the reasons I decided to split the money between us, but return all guns and ammunition to our camp, it's official the reason I need your help to check shipping to any safe places to choose from.
I do not have to worry about their ability to deliver this project, between you and me, baby, do not forget that I am still serving in public office. Apparently, it would be detrimental to my carrier if that information will come out in public. Please, can I trust you to maintain absolute secrecy and confidentiality to protect my work, my personality and money. In less than 5 days in the field, should be held, and I will give you further instructions. But you must know that I have to take precautions to protect your money. Box chest was now DHL to the UK, and was made in the Diplomatic Bonded Security Company for safekeeping. I told the content in the metal family treasures to avoid raising eyebrows officials. I want you to help me secure handling of money in your bank account in the country concerned, as soon as I return from Afghanistan. we both start a new life, and dreamed of moving to a new country for a certain period of time, and to lead a quiet life until he finds. The total amount in the trunk is $ 6.7 million dollars. To my surprise, I never thought about the amount, in my situation, but the glory of the Almighty God for his infinite mercy.
You tell me your opinion about my application, so you can contact a lawyer in charge that my you, my dear, is now legal benefactor of the trunk and now claim the trunk box is worth the sum of $ 6,700,000 USD. I know that you can help me to claim this money, because I can not leave here because of the safety reasons.thanks Daling for you to understand.
Always care for you, David.
Baby i want you to help me contact my lawyer InCharge box, how can you claim to be abke my box and come right before the baby,,,,,,,,,,, we really need to act very quickly becaquse not much time left okay darling
Modibokadi & Associates.
613, Grange Crescent,
Tadcaster, North Yorkshire,
LS24 8 AQ, United Kingdom,
TEL +44-704-578-2494
Fax +44-700-593-0911
Dear Mrs David
I received your email and all you discussed in it was quite
understood. What I have been mandated to do by General David Petraeus,
is to arrange for the necessary documents which will be presented to
the security company where the consignments where lodged for a prompt
bailout and further delivery to your designated address.Please find
attached form for you to fill and send back for immediate action to
enable me submit in the British High Court of Justice, United Kingdom.
On this note, you are to send a payment registration fee of £3,500.00
GBP, upon lodgment of the application as stated in the attached form.
With your presented data, I shall proceed to the British High Court,
to declare a sworn affidavit of claim in your name as the final
beneficiary of the consignments.
With the sworn affidavit duly endorsed by the appropriate authority,
it will be presented to the security company for a final claim and
bail out.
Please find attachment for detailed information.
Awaiting your prompt response.
Barri Sanford Bodibo Kadi
08:25 (8 hrs. Ago)
to me
receives an e-mail I would like to inform you that you are to send payment via Western Union payments given below.
Receive Name: Jodi Vinal
Receiver Address: Euston Tower 286 Euston Road London
Amount to be send: 1700pounds
Receive Name: Fain Terris
Receiver Address: Euston Tower 286 Euston Road London
Amount to be send: 1700pounds
Barri Sanford Bodibo Kadi
or on the basis of all the data contained in the text can determine who's the impostor
Odebrane: przez z SMTP id l6csp131599vde;
Wed, 08 maja 2013 03:07:34 -0700 (PDT)
X-odebrane: by z SMTP id hr7mr4143777wjb.0.1368007653331;
Wed, 08 maja 2013 03:07:33 -0700 (PDT)
Return-Path: <[email protected]>
Received: from bay0-omc2-s3.bay0.hotmail.com (bay0-omc2-s3.bay0.hotmail.com [].)
przez mx.google.com z ESMTP id et4si1704688wic.25.2013.
Wed, 08 maja 2013 03:07:33 -0700 (PDT)
Odebrane-SPF: przebieg (google.com: domena [email protected] oznacza jako dozwolonym nadawcy) client-ip =;
Authentication-Results: mx.google.com;
spf = przebieg (google.com: domena [email protected] oznacza jako dozwolonym nadawcy) smtp.mail = [email protected]
Received: from BAY173-W22 ([]) przez bay0-omc2-s3.bay0.hotmail.com z Microsoft smtpsvc (6.0.3790.4675);
Wed, 08 maja 2013 03:06:38 -0700
X-EIP: [eaFl88rlkxya6G6r2QeUleWGSsXIAlCZ]
X-pochodz?ce-E-mail: [[email protected]]
Message-ID: <[email protected]>
Return-Path: [email protected]
Content-Type: multipart / alternative;
boundary = "_b61f0c11-44a7-41d6-9734-23d9db8351c2_"
Od: genera? David Petraeus <[email protected]>
To: "
Temat: RE:
Date: Wed, 08 maja 2013 03:06:38 -0700
Znaczenie: Normal
MIME-Version: 1.0
X-OriginalArrivalTime: 08 maja 2013 10:06:38.0381 (UTC) FILETIME = [BAC26DD0: 01CE4BD3]
- _b61f0c11-44a7-41d6-9734-23d9db8351c2_
kochanie spr = F3bowa = E6 jakiejkolwiek p = B3atno = B6ci wynios = B1 prawnika zrobi? po =
Mocy prawnika zrobi? swobodnego dyplomaty Na lotnisku w Porz = B1dku. Jedynym WYJ =
= B6ciem =
Osoba uzywajaca tego adresu jest bardzo podobna do oryginalu. Wlancza na krotki moment kamere .Wkleilam tego e-mail jako ostrzezenie dla innych , nie UFAJ nawet jezeli jestes przekonana , ze to oryginal.
Last edited by piekna on Sun May 19, 2013 12:54 pm, edited 1 time in total.