This was sent out indescriminatley. Sometimes this type is sent from a phished or stolen email account to people who know the original account holder such as friends and family or even work colleagues.
Because the scammer will have had access to your email account and past correspondence, when that happens there can be quite a few personal details added to make it seem convincing.
Originating IP: Lagos, Lagos, Nigeria.
Because the scammer will have had access to your email account and past correspondence, when that happens there can be quite a few personal details added to make it seem convincing.
Originating IP: Lagos, Lagos, Nigeria.
John Oliver: [email protected]
Hope you and your family are in good health. Could you please help me if you can? I had a visit to Spain for a program, but unfortunately I was mugged at the park of the hotel where I lodged, all cash, credit card and cell were stolen off me. The embassy has promised to issue me a temporary passport, I just have to pay for a ticket and settle the Hotel bills, the hotel manager won't let me leave until I settle the bills. I've made contact with my bank but the best they could do was suggest to send me a new card in the mail which will take 5-7 working days to arrive here. I was hoping you could loan me € 1,500 euros to sort things out and I will definitely pay back once I get over this. Let me know if this will be possible or not.
Hope to hear from you soon.
Yours faithfully,
Mr John CEO.
Director of sales
Commodities Trading Company.