Information on romance scams and scammers.
#38078 by Jillian Tue Sep 28, 2010 12:41 pm

Please be aware that any email address that uses is NOT an official military address and not affiliated with the US or any other country's army. is a free webmail provider, an account with their service can be opened by anyone. This service is being abused by scammers impersonating military personnel.

On their website, indicates:

e-mail addresses - especially free ones - should never be used as the sole means of identifying a party that you are involved in a transaction with. Always ensure you have a reliable and verifiable means of determining who you are sending money or products to.

If you have reached this post by searching for an address and suspect that you may be the target of a scam, please read this information about Scammers Impersonating Military Personnel.

Please do also ask for help or advice here at ScamWarners.

Have you sent a payment to a scammer with Western Union and now realize it's a scam? If the payment has not been picked up, you can cancel it immediately! 1-800-448-1492

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#39320 by marysaville Sat Oct 16, 2010 5:47 pm
Hi there I have recently set up a group on Facebook for all of those who have been scammed by US Army personnel. If you would like to join this group please do. The more people we can get to join the more chance we have of doing something about these horrible people and the more chance we have of stopping them. Pleas come and tell us your story. It will all be treated with the upmost confidence and consideration i promise you that. These guys have to be stopped. Thanke looking forward to hearing from youi all. Love Mary
#39324 by Michelle Sat Oct 16, 2010 6:29 pm
Welcome to Scamwarners marysaville

If it is the same Facebook group that I am thinking of, then my own Face Book is already linked to your group.

Please feel free to post information - e-mails, photographs etc - of these scammers in our Romance scams section for others to find when that are searching for the details.

If you choose to include photographs here, it is customary to mark them "Used by Scammers" before posting.

For instructions and guidelines please follow this internal link viewtopic.php?f=28&t=3219&start=0

Good luck with your endeavors.
#39326 by Dotti Sat Oct 16, 2010 7:07 pm
Welcome Marysaville,

As Michelle said, please feel free to document any of these scammers you encounter in our romance scams forum.

Just one thing

This statement:
Hi there I have recently set up a group on Facebook for all of those who have been scammed by US Army personnel.

should probably say:

for all of those who have been scammed by scammers posing as US Army personnel.

People who are unfamiliar with this type of scam may take the statement at face value, and believe these people really are American soldiers. It is important that people understand that the real US army personnel are not in any way connected to the scam. They are merely people whose photos are posted somewhere, and scammers have taken those photos and used them to support their scams. These particular scams often originate in Africa or Malaysia (which has a high number of African students), though other locations are possible too.

Need to post photos?
Are you a victim of a romance scam? Read here for advice and FAQ's.
#40851 by fernanb8521 Mon Nov 15, 2010 3:58 am
We should not support or tolerate this kind of activities because US soldiers are dedicated and out their fighting for peace and justice in this world and its really a shame and disrespect to use their name in vain. These people must be punished and put in jail.
#41394 by law Sun Nov 28, 2010 10:44 pm
Hi, I almost sent money to Peter Harrinson he told me he was fixing to go to the front line at Afganistan and I could save him by sending $960.00 to Western Union for a replacement. Thank God I found your site I was actually thinking of sending it. He told me I could pay 200.00$ and he would pay the rest when he gets here. Well that raised my flag because people overseas use the $ in the back. So I got worried and started looking then I saw the address here that is on the leave papers and also saw his Lt. col. Robert Gonazlez name on your site. So what do we about these liars. No one should allowed to disgrace our military they should be prosecuted to the fullest.
#44361 by carol g Thu Jan 13, 2011 7:54 am
Hello to everyone on here. I live in the UK and have been scammed by a person called Mark Boers on the Heartdetectives site!!!! This, according to google, and my experience, is a scam dating website so beware.
I reported Mark Boers to them on numerous occasions, even giving them the police file number I have for him, but to this day he is still on there :evil: He is a very manipulative person, got me by sending lots of lovely emails saying how wonderful I was, how he loved me, was going to retire and relocate to England and he also said he was widowed and has a 14 year old son............. He said he was in Afghan on a military peace mission and could not get leave unless it was requested by his wife (who was dead???) or his fiance (which he asked me to say i was to get him leave before xmas) I stupidly fell for is, I had put £20 of credit on his mobile phone (which was an 02 sim card) the number was 07510835343. I rang it when I started to suspect he was not for real and it had a foreign ring tone but he never answered, saying he could not receive calls because of security!!!!!!!!
I had an email from an address [email protected] (which is NOT a real US army email) asking me personal questions, which I answered and emailed back to them.................then came the email saying that I would have to pay £300 for him to get leave??????? :idea: :shock:
So I contacted a friend and he looked on google and told me that it was all a scam!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I was really upset at first but then very angry at this man, using a picture of an army officer as bait to scam money from vulnerable women, like me.
When I let him know that I knew he turned nasty calling me a "poor bitch"???????????????????? I deleted him from my emails and contacted the police, who contacted crime stoppers. I spoke with both and because of this they put a press release out in a local paper..................hence yesterday the BBC (an English tv channel) came to my home yesterday and I was filmed for a programme called "Inside Out" which is going to be aired on Monday the 14th Feb (valentives day ironically) :oops: I was embarrassed doing this but if it helps people to be made aware of these horrid people (who the police say come from Nigeria) then it will e worth it.
Because I knew what signs to look for after the Mark fiasco I started chatting to another one called Howard A who appeared on my facebook "who is near" site (they pop up everywhere)
So yesterday during filming at my home, luckily he came on line and guess what????? Asked me for £500 to be sent to him through something called g mail?????, I was suppose to go to the post office and send it to an address, the tv guys have taken all the details from my laptop to use to investigate the address.......We got him good and proper for all to see on it made me feel better to scam a scammer :laugh-s:
By the was Howard A is aka [email protected] and Mark is [email protected] or [email protected] dont be fooled, these guys are NOT from the US army and apparently the REAL US Army are NOT impressed by these scammers and they want to talk to me??????? So I will keep you all posted.
Thank you for reading.
p.s. I have gone on my "my space" on facebook and looked at the female friends he has and emailed them to let them know he is a scammer. :laugh-s: x
#44362 by carol g Thu Jan 13, 2011 7:59 am
marysaville wrote:Hi there I have recently set up a group on Facebook for all of those who have been scammed by US Army personnel. If you would like to join this group please do. The more people we can get to join the more chance we have of doing something about these horrible people and the more chance we have of stopping them. Pleas come and tell us your story. It will all be treated with the upmost confidence and consideration i promise you that. These guys have to be stopped. Thanke looking forward to hearing from youi all. Love Mary

Hi my name is Carol and I am from England. I have just posted my story and the Howard A bloke was from "who is near" from facebook!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! How can we stop them?????? :bondage:
#46857 by beenscammed Fri Feb 18, 2011 8:07 am
Im from the UK and saw your documentary too. I have been talking to a guy called sgt mitchell ramos on MSN who claimed he a US soldier and divorced with a 14 yr old daughter here in the UK staying with her auntie and he relocated to the UK as he is British and got recalled back to Afghanistan in October 2010. Ive been talking to him for 8 weeks now and he seemed really genuine until my mum warned me about the news of scammers posing as us soldiers....he asked me for leave request too as his 3 month tour was getting extended by another 6 months and he wanted to come home to be with me and retire. He said only a few soldiers were being allowed to request a liberty pass and it had to be done by a relative. As soon as money was involved by his 'general's emails ([email protected]) I confronted him and he said he knew all about it and was 'interrogated' by a Lt Col as to who i was as i had complained about it to the 'general'.....he said all his stuff has been faked by the army cos of the nature of his job being a staff sergeant...yeah right! He is adamant he is the real person yet i was not convinced so i contacted two women from his MSN profile and they both confirmed he is not who he says he is and had given them different stories about him. I have tracked all his mails and even the ones from the general, his daughter and his aunt and surprise surprise they all come from nigeria, libya, uk and the us. I cant believe that people can steal real soldiers photos and pose as them. Ive tracked the real guy to his Myspace and left him a message but he has not been on it since july 2010 so i dont know if he will ever know whats being done to him...
#46901 by Bubbles Fri Feb 18, 2011 11:37 pm
Hello beenscammed, good for your mum to warn you about this kind of scam. Somethings to remember:
1. Scammers will always deny that they are scammers. They have no shame and no honor.
2. The people whose identities they steal really are helpless to do anything about what has been taken. The best defense is NOT to post personal information on the internet / interwebs. It is difficult to steal something that is not there.
3. I hear your frustration with using the brave soldiers / service people who are fighting for freedom. I go back to point one, these scammers have no honor, they are scum.
4. When you encounter a scammer, the best thing to do is stop communicating with them. They have lied to you all along, they will continue to lie to you as long as you will communicate with him. He only wants money from you. He doesn't want friendship or companionship. He is only after every penny of money he can get out of you.

Thank you for posting your story up for others to learn from. You sound like a good person in trying to help the person who's information was stolen. What can help is you posting up the email address, or IM identification this scammer is using.

Thank you!

Bubbles, former Scamwarners moderator.

Rest in Peace 24 June 2015.

Gone, but never forgotten.
#47928 by lvgirl Sat Mar 05, 2011 7:15 am
WELL talk about a major sucker. I unfortunately fell for the scam. So called Major David Harrinson does not exist. I sent $500 to his replacement Kenneth Clinton in the U.K. money that i did not really have. I am so ashamed that I dont have the heart to tell my family the truth. I thought I was smarter than that. I guess it just goes to show that there are evil people out there that take advantage of US Personnel overseas as well as those of us here in the U.S. I will no longer trust anybody when it comes to the internet.
#47980 by Bubbles Sun Mar 06, 2011 2:17 am
Welcome to ScamWarners lvgirl. I am sorry to hear that you were scammed by one of these criminals. I am sorry you feel ashamed. Many people are fooled by these criminals. I know that doesn't change your situation. It is true though. You are not un-smart, as you said, there are evil people who take advantage of others. You are one that they got to.

We are here to help support people who have been scammed and to educate people who are looking to see if they might be dealing with a scammer. To help that end, please post up the email addresses and a sample of what you were told. Be sure to edit out your personal information. If you know how to obtain headers, that is helpful too.

Part of your healing may be finding the courage to tell your family. If you have questions please PM one of the site Adnimistrators, Moderators, Scam Advisors or Scam Warners. Any of us would be happy to help you through this situation.

Bubbles, former Scamwarners moderator.

Rest in Peace 24 June 2015.

Gone, but never forgotten.

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