HAVE QUESTIONS? - ASK FOR HELP HERE - Have you received an email you aren't sure about? Are you currently corresponding with someone you suspect is a scammer? Do you have questions about a scam? Post here for answers and advice.
#44477 by Samantha Fri Jan 14, 2011 5:11 pm
Please read this before posting information!

If you think you've been contacted by a scammer, this is the right place to ask for help. The more you can tell us about the email or contact you've had, the better we can assist.

Please start a new thread for your question rather than adding to someone else's. Your request will be seen faster that way.

Here are some important points about posting which will enable us to help you more effectively:

Your Safety
Safety is our top priority here. For your safety was ask that you don't post your own personal details. Please remove your name, address, email address, and phone number from any emails before posting them.
Note: If your username is your real name, please send a private message to an administrator to request a name change.

Helping us to help you
When posting information about scammers, every detail helps! Please try to include as much of the following as possible:

  • All email addresses used in the scam, including those of the scammer and any other individual, agency, or company involved.
  • The early emails you have received, and any emails requesting money (important: remove your personal details first).
  • All phone numbers and fax numbers used in the scam.
  • Please post the actual text of the emails or message so the information can be indexed for searching. Please do not post screen shots because the information in a screenshot is not searchable. Please remove your own personal details from the email, but leave everything else.
  • Any websites the scammer has referred you to.
  • The pictures used (Click Here to learn how to post a picture). Note: Please do not post nude or pornographic photos.
  • A description of the scam
  • The details, as above, for any other person (doctor, lawyer, banker, reverend, friend or family member) who you have been referred to as part of the scam. In all likelihood, these people will be actually be impersonated by the same scammer.

What if the person is not a scammer?
Many of our visitors may be reluctant to post the details of the person who is asking them to send money for fear that it may be an innocent person. We too are very concerned about ensuring that no innocent people are listed here. If there is evidence to suggest that someone listed here may be innocent, we will either remove or clarify the thread as necessary. If the thread is removed, it will be posted publicly if we do find that the person is indeed a scammer.

While waiting for a response
Please stop all contact with the people you have posted. You will normally receive a response from one of our support team members quite quickly, but occasionally it will take some time. Please keep in mind that our support staff consists of a group of very dedicated volunteers, but there may be times when someone is not immediately available to address your concerns.

While waiting for advice, please take some time to look around the site. You may find that the informational "stickies" in the individual sections of our site will answer many of your questions.

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